Adult Gym
Mondays, 8pm - 9.30pm
Thursdays, 8pm - 9.30pm
Have you wondered how gymnasts perform their somersaults or cartwheels and you are keen to give it a go? The Adult Gym class is a structured programme designed to help adults acquire the skill and techniques of tumbling. The main focus is floor tumbling and conditioning for strength. Expect to gain strength and flexibility as training progresses. Level of difficulty is tailored to the individual’s ability. No prior experience is necessary so come along for a tumble or simply to keep fit and have fun. You will be pleasantly surprised by what you can achieve!
1. WARM UP & BASIC LINE DRILLS (approx 15 mins)
For all levels
For everyone
3. ROPE CLIMB/CHIN UP + TUMBLE TRACK (approx 15 mins)
Class is divided into two groups (depending on size)
4. CUSTOMISED STATION (approx 15 mins)
Learning a new skill or drill weekly on any of the 6-8 different apparatus in gymnastics
5. OPEN TRAINING (approx 15 mins)
Adults are free to practice on their own under supervised conditions
6. CONDITIONING (approx 15 mins)
Full body workout in a circuit or targeted muscle group training
-Prerequisite Notes-
Adults are advised to possess some basic physical fitness.
To declare to coaches of any past injuries or existing medical condition.